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Boost Your Testosterone

Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for developing the testes during puberty. It contributes to male attributes such as facial hair and a deepened voice, while affecting a man’s libido and even his mood. 

Oftentimes, after the age of 30, a man’s testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease. This regression is usually gradual and spread out over the rest of his life. In some cases though, the levels drop rapidly, which leads to a host of symptoms. Some of these may include:

  • Diminished sexual desire
  • Weight gain, especially around the stomach
  • Clinical depression
  • Less energy/chronic fatigue
  • Loss of bone density which will appear as a loss of height
  • Decreased strength due to depleted muscle mass
  • Weaker erections
  • Obesity, type 2 diabetes, or problems with the thyroid
  • Less semen during ejaculation
  • Testicle shrinkage or numbness in the testicles
  • Erectile dysfunction

Low-T Testing and Treatment

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and think you may have low testosterone, getting a blood test and talking with a provider should be your first step. At Advanced Anti-Aging, we will review your blood work to determine where your testosterone levels are at. In some cases they may already be dangerously low before any of the more serious symptoms have become apparent. We then will create a customized treatment regimen, unique for each patient. The most common methods for testosterone treatment are through injections or through topical creams. Both treatments are effective, but ultimately it comes down to your preference.


Low-T Natural Boosters

In addition to medicinal treatments, there are many studies that have shown how you can try to boost your testosterone levels naturally. These are great health tips that we highly recommend to all our patients, regardless of hormone levels.

Get more sleep! 

Not getting enough sleep can impact so many aspects of your life. During restful sleep, that is when your body creates more testosterone. Non-restful sleep generally equates to  non-productive testosterone regeneration, which impacts your overall hormone level. Get your rest and you may see some improvement. This is quite the catch 22 for those who can’t seem to get enough sleep and are constantly feeling the impacts of chronic fatigue. This is where testosterone supplementation may be able to help.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Studies have shown that overweight males are more prone to lower testosterone levels than those who are a healthy weight with a healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet can contribute to a more balanced level of testosterone and hormones. In addition, managing weight can also help! If you’re noticing some of the above-listed symptoms, try making some small health changes and see if you begin to see an improvement. One of the benefits our patients experience is the loss of weight while on a TRT program. While this typically isn’t seen until weeks 2-8, when your body has balanced hormones, it has a much easier time losing weight. Of course, we recommend coupling this with other healthy habits as well.

Minimize Stress!

Stress can deteriorate your body…fast! Not only is it bad for your mental health, but stress can impact the natural functions of your body, including testosterone production. Try minimizing the stress in your life by integrating some relaxation time into your schedule. Try meditation, exercise or just some time to relax and work on your hobby. This will be great for your overall health and well-being.

 Advanced Anti-Aging Can Help!

Not all men are candidates for testosterone replacement therapy, but there are other lifestyle changes that can be made to help you feel your best. First, we start with a blood test to review your hormone levels among other performance tests that could be impacting your body’s ability to produce testosterone. Our program is about getting your body back on track. Whether this is through testosterone replacement or a program supplemented with HCG and lifestyle changes, Advanced Anti-Aging is equipped to help you get back on track.

If you think you’re a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, contact Lisa at 973-998-7770 to set up your consultation or take our Low T Quiz here. We have in-office and virtual office visits available