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Could Low T Be the Cause of Your Fatigue and Brain Fog?

Chronic fatigue can be debilitating. When you have no energy, you can hardly think, let alone work! Typically, you can only think about when you’ll be able to sleep again. Working long days definitely does not help in the energy department, but what if it was something more? The number one symptom we see among patients with low testosterone is fatigue and brain fog. These patients just don’t have the energy they once had and no matter how many hours they sleep at night or nap during the day, they are perpetually exhausted. Fatigue can ruin anyone’s day for an endless number of reasons, so we have to ask, can low t be the cause of chronic fatigue and brain fog?

Being tired causes you to not have the strength you once had, can make it difficult to focus, reduces the motivation you once had in the gym and in some cases, it can even cause you to have little to no sex drive. Many would think low libido was the number one symptom of low testosterone, but think again!

Along with fatigue, many patients experience brain fog and just cannot shake it. Sure, a lot of our patients are in their 40s and many will say as you age there is some level of cognitive decline, however, starting in your 30s and 40s, this type of cognitive fuzziness could have something to do with imbalanced hormone levels which are often displayed through brain fog. 

More recently, studies are suggesting that men with lowering testosterone levels correlate to poorer cognitive function than those with higher testosterone levels. While it may be a natural occurrence for testosterone to decrease as you age, there is something that can be done to combat the nasty symptoms that come with low testosterone, such as chronic fatigue and brain fog. Most patients with low testosterone choose to go on a monthly treatment plan through topical or injectable testosterone, along with MIC injections. 

Testosterone plays a significant role in a man’s overall health. This includes the development of bones and muscles, the production of sperm, mood, energy levels, deepening of the voice, hair growth, the ability to focus, weight gain and much more. This is why it’s critical to learn about your hormone levels to see how you can make yourself feel better, fast!

So, how do you find out if you have low testosterone? Getting blood work to check your hormone levels is always a critical first step. A comprehensive blood panel allows our office to get an inside look at the inner workings of your body, whereas saliva can only give you a quick glance at a few levels. It’s important to have a holistic view to see if there is anything triggering the imbalance behind the scenes.

Our programs are individualized for each person and we are there every step of the way to get you started and on your way back to feeling like you did in your 20s! Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) are great options for getting back to feeling your best. Our patients choose what feels best for them. Some patients choose injections, whereas others may choose creams. Our programs are tailored JUST for you.

Ready to give it a try? Call Lisa at 973-998-7770 or email and we will be happy to help get you scheduled with the doctor.