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How Do I Know If I Have Low Testosterone?


Testosterone is the male hormone that is responsible for developing the testes during puberty. It contributes to male attributes such as facial hair and a deepened voice, while affecting a man’s libido and even his mood.

After the age of 30, a man’s testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease. This regression is usually gradual and spread out over the rest of his life. In some cases though, the levels drop rapidly, which leads to a host of symptoms. Some of these may include, low sex drive, fatigue, decrease in strength due to depleted muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, clinical depression, among others. 

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Low-T Testing and Treatment

The first test your doctor will perform a blood screening to determine where your testosterone levels are at. In some cases they may be already be dangerously low before any of the more serious symptoms have become apparent.

Whether your symptoms have begun to impair your quality of life or not, we always recommend that you pursue some type of treatment plan. Ignoring low testosterone can lead to more serious conditions over time such as a weakening of bone and muscle mass.

At Advanced Anti-Aging, we offer a comprehensive treatment plan for men who are ready to feel their best once again! Through monthly testosterone replacement therapy programs and guidance on diet and exercise, your experience at Advanced is highly personalized just for you. Contact us today if you are ready to feel just as good as you did in your twenties!

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